“All firearms in this Commonwealth shall be registered.”
That’s a quote taken right from commie state representative Angel Cruz’s HB1810, which was just unveiled at the capitol in Harrisburg!
If you and I don’t take action right now, I’m afraid they will!
This is their end-game: they want to track, trace and register every gun owner in Pennsylvania so that they can come later with their jackbooted thugs, knock down your doors and confiscate every single firearm you and I own.
And if this bill passes, folks like you and me will be required to get fingerprinted, give away our social security numbers and get pictures taken of us so that Tom Wolf’s jackboots will have the perfect database to do it.
But what if you say, “screw it, and screw you!” to this new law and keep your legally acquired firearms anyway, without getting the proper ‘papers?’
You’d become a FELON in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I’m used to gun-control activists beating their drums, trying to chisel away at the edges of our freedoms, but this?
This would destroy our freedoms in one fell swoop, for us, for our kids, our grandkids and the generations to come.
We say HELL NO.
Make sure and tell everyone you know to do the same.
We have to FIGHT BACK against this treachery, because we’ll be damned if we let freedom die on our watch.
But we have to do more. We have to get tens of THOUSANDS of gun owners across Pennsylvania to get up off the couch and get FIGHTING along with us.
— Rob
The nastiest gun bill in PA has just been introduced and I need you to read this short email below and take action IMMEDIATELY!
State Rep. Angel Cruz and five other raging Communists in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have revealed their gun-grabbing wet dream with the filing of HB1810.
And with so many Republicans waving the white flag of surrender where our gun rights are concerned – afraid that they will lose suburban Philly and Pittsburgh seats next November – a growing number of them may roll over and support this legislation!
This bill is so new that the text of the bill isn’t even available yet!
But we do know from our sources that if passed into law, this bill would END the sale, transfer or owning of firearms in the Commonwealth unless you have the correct ‘papers’ from Tom Wolf’s State Police.
So, you wouldn’t be able to walk into the shop to purchase a break-action 410 for your son or grandson without showing your papers first!
Even worse, these Hate-America leftists want you to register ALL your firearms with the police within 48 hours of the bill becoming law.
If you don’t roll over and comply like a peasant? You’ll be an instant FELON.
We all know the real reason they want to keep a database on us and force us to register our guns because they want to confiscate them in the very near future.
We can’t let that happen!
Take action NOW by signing the official petition against this madness here.
The Pennsylvania Firearms Association is fighting all over the state for our gun rights and against communist gun-grabbing bills like HB1810, but we need your help.
For Pennsylvania,
Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Firearms Association
P.S. HB1810 was just introduced in Pennsylvania and it is every gun-grabbing fascist’s wet dream!
It would bring an END to private ownership, transfer, or selling of firearms in the Commonwealth without the correct ‘papers’ from the Pennsylvania State Police!
This is unacceptable, but we need your help to fight back!
Take action now by signing the official petition against this nonsense TODAY.
And when you’re finished signing your petition, please donate to help PFA engage more freedom-loving patriots across the Commonwealth against this cancer!