Chip in $10


The ATF is a rogue agency that has armed Mexican drug cartels while harassing law abiding gun owners nationwide. During Biden’s time in the White House, the ATF refused to comply with Congressional oversight demands! This agency needs to be abolished! 

Any legitimate federal work ATF ever did can be given to other agencies.

And most gun laws can (and should) be enforced by local law enforcement anyway.

Gun owners are the reason why the GOP took back the Senate and we’re the reason the House maintained their GOP majorities. Now it’s time for Congress to reward gun owners by closing the ATF’s doors for good.

Help us put pressure on Pennsylvania’s Congressional Republicans to cosponsor, vote for, and publicly champion this bill by signing your OFFICIAL PETITION today! 

Once you’ve done that, chip in to PFA’s effort to mobilize the gun vote against these gun-grabbers!