Email Benninghoff: Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Email Benninghoff: Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Email Benninghoff: Pass Constitutional Carry NOW! Constitutional Carry is the on the march all over America – nearly HALF of America has it on the books now! In fact, it was just enacted into law in the great state of Texas! But here in Pennsylvania? Legislative...
Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty!

Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty!

Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty! Joe Biden is enraged that he’s lost control of the House. That’s why he’s pushing the United Nations Small Arms Treaty! The UN Small Arms Treaty would establish a GLOBAL firearms registration, and subject American’s gun rights...
STOP the Mandatory Firearm Registry in PA!

STOP the Mandatory Firearm Registry in PA!

STOP the Mandatory Firearm Registry in PA! State Rep. Angel Cruz and five other raging Communists in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have revealed their gun-grabbing wet dream with the filing of HB1810. If passed into law, this bill would END the sale,...
Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Pass Constitutional Carry NOW! Constitutional Carry has passed committee and is ready for a full vote – but Republican “Leadership” is blocking the bill from coming to the House floor! HB659 by Representative Aaron Bernstine has a whopping EIGHTY...
Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!

Pass Constitutional Carry NOW! Constitutional Carry has passed the House Judiciary committee and is ready for floor action – but Republican “Leadership” is blocking the bill from coming to the floor for a vote!  HB659 by Representative Aaron...