Defeat Feinstein’s AR15 Ban!

Defeat Feinstein’s AR15 Ban!

Defeat Feinstein’s AR15 Ban! Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, and the rest of the America-hating left have declared war on gun owners, and they are coming after our AR-15’s and 30-round magazines hard with S.736/H.R. 1808! The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in...
STOP National Registration of Firearms, H.R.8!

STOP National Registration of Firearms, H.R.8!

STOP National Registration of Firearms, H.R.8! ALERT: Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and every gun-control organization you can think of are attacking our freedoms RIGHT NOW! Their number one agenda is to pass a searchable, national database of every gun owner in America...
STOP The Gun Control MEGA BILL, H.R. 127!

STOP The Gun Control MEGA BILL, H.R. 127!

STOP The Gun Control MEGA BILL, H.R. 127! The vicious attacks on your gun rights are in full swing in D.C. and the hits are coming fast! Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee has just H.R. 127 which is the WORST gun control bill we’ve ever seen! HR127 will: 1. Mandate the...
STOP The Gun Control MEGA BILL, H.R. 127!

TAKE ACTION to Stop Brian Fitzpatrick’s Betrayal!

TAKE ACTION to Stop Brian Fitzpatrick’s Betrayal! ALERT: Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-1) has teamed up with Bloomberg-backed gun control activists, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on H.R. 8 – and he has just declared open war on the Second...
FIGHT Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

FIGHT Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

FIGHT Red Flag Gun Confiscation! ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ legislation would allow liberal judges here in Pennsylvania to order your firearms to be seized before you have been charged, indicted, or convicted of ANYTHING! The complaint can come from an angry...