Radical gun-grabbers in Harrisburg like Senators Vincent Hughes and Steve Santarsiero are salivating because Democrats kept their 1-seat majority in the Pennsylvania House – and they smell blood in the water!
These Hate-America Lefties get their marching orders straight from Michael Bloomberg, and they have sponsored his Universal Background Check bill that would add gun owners’ person info into a national gun owner database!
SB122, sponsored by Senators Hughes and Santarsiero, is designed to track, trace and register gun owners like sex-offenders – we need to put a STOP to this bill NOW!
Universal Gun Registration makes FELONS out of law abiding Americans by outlawing the private sale of firearms between two free individuals, UNLESS they agree to be entered into the government database.
Make no mistake about it, Universal Gun Registration hasn’t EVER stopped a killer – it is exclusively designed to database gun owners for purposes of gun confiscation down the road!
Sign your petition today to tell your State Representative and State Senator you are 100% opposed to SB122, which is Josh Shapiro and Michael Bloomberg’s gun registration agenda for Pennsylvania!