After gun owners shut down their attempt to ram H.R. 8 into law earlier this week through a ‘unanimous consent motion,’ Senate Democrats are furious and vowing to do whatever it takes to enact this national registry of gun owners. In fact, in a floor speech just days...
‘Ghost guns’…’untraceable guns’…’black market guns.’ The Biden Administration is doing everything they can to guilt gun owners into supporting Biden’s Executive Actions that would make felons out of gun owners who have homemade firearms. They want to...
If you have renewed your membership in the Pennsylvania Firearms Association for 2022, ignore the rest of this email as it doesn’t apply to you. If you haven’t renewed, please read on. Just two days ago, gun grabbers in the United State Senate tried to advance Joe...
It’s time to put a nail in David Chipman’s coffin! Over the last few months, gun owners across the state and across the country have been DEMANDING that the U.S. Senate crush David Chipman’s nomination to run the ATF. Recently, the Senate Judiciary Committee...
It’s summertime and many Pennsylvanians are letting politics take a back seat while they enjoy some time outside, vacations with their families, and watching Pennsylvania kids play Little League baseball. But for the cultural Marxists in D.C. who want to turn American...