Dianne Feinstein. The mere mention of this gnarled-handed, nasty old hag’s name is enough to generate an immediate gag reflex in the mind of most freedom-loving Americans, and especially gun owners. Feinstein hates gun owners like you and me, and, even though she’s 88...
In just a few weeks, the first round of Joe Biden’s Executive Orders attacking our gun rights will likely be in effect. Joe Biden is a pathetically weak President who can’t pass his gun control agenda through Congress (but that can change, fast!) so he’s turning to...
‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ legislation is the most dangerous threat facing gun owners today for the simple fact that it allows a liberal judge to order the confiscation of your firearms before you’ve been arrested, tried, or convicted of anything. In most cases, a...
‘Ding. Ding. Ding.’ Round 2 You and thousands of other Patriotic Pennsylvanians have been totally bombarding the State Capitol demanding they pass Constitutional Carry for months. And you’ve been absolutely blasting Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff for...
Did you see Chris’ email from last week? Pennsylvania’s Benedict Arnold, fake-Republican Representative Todd Stephens, introduced a Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill and it is the most dangerous gun-control bill we face at the Capitol. To recap, this bill allows an...
There have been a lot of gun-control bills introduced in Harrisburg already this session, but the one just introduced by Representative Todd Stephens has a significant chance at passing. That’s why I’m asking you to take a few moments of your time, read this email in...