Urgent: Biden Pushing America Into U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

Urgent: Biden Pushing America Into U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

If you thought that Joe Biden was no longer a threat — that his disastrous handling of Afghanistan would make him take a step back and question his sanity — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
PA Alert: More Gun-Control Introduced in Harrisburg

PA Alert: More Gun-Control Introduced in Harrisburg

The Marxist Left is pure cancer. At every level you can think of — from globalists in Europe and Asia, to the radicalized lunatics in the Democrat party, to their friends in every level of the Fake News media – the cultural Marxists that are trying to destroy...
BREAKING! Nasty gun-control bill just filed in Harrisburg!

BREAKING! Nasty gun-control bill just filed in Harrisburg!

💥 BREAKING NEWS 💥 The nastiest gun bill in PA has just been introduced and I need you to read this short email below and take action IMMEDIATELY! State Rep. Angel Cruz and five other raging Communists in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have revealed their...
⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are promising to deliver a major gun control victory to Michael Bloomberg and the gun-control mob who put them in power last year, before the 2022 midterms. That’s why Pelosi’s allies just filed a massive new gun control bill in D.C., a...
Gun-Control’s Sleeper in Harrisburg

Gun-Control’s Sleeper in Harrisburg

Do you remember the days after the Tree of Life synagogue shooting on October 27, 2018? I do. I remember the sorrow I felt for the families of the victims that died senselessly, because a killer decided he could destroy the lives of others. I remember Bloomberg...
They’re Trying to Shut PFA Down!

They’re Trying to Shut PFA Down!

Ever since the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in 2018, the cultural Marxists who want to turn our country into a communist hellhole have made bogus legal threats and ‘cancel culture’ tactics a part of their standard arsenal. But when Joe Biden moved into the White House and...