The Cancer of Gun Rights in Pennsylvania

The Cancer of Gun Rights in Pennsylvania

The battle for freedom in America has always had its traitors, and Benedict Arnold arguably holds the title of most famous of them all. “Treason of the blackest dye” is how General George Washington described Arnold’s betrayal of the American Cause in 1780. And the...
Don’t Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Red Flags!

Don’t Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Red Flags!

Imagine getting a call from a neighbor while you’re at work, who tells you that a sheriff’s department SWAT Team forced their way into your home and is currently carrying your rifles, shotguns, and handguns (along with your ammo) out of your house and into a waiting...
Memorial Day, Gun Control, and Our Freedom!

Memorial Day, Gun Control, and Our Freedom!

As Americans pause today and remember the United States service members who have died in combat theaters around the world over the last 245 years, it’s important to remember how this all started. In 1774 the rebellion against English tyranny was hitting full steam in...
Gun Control is Moving in the Senate – Take Action Now!

Gun Control is Moving in the Senate – Take Action Now!

School is getting out. The government’s heavy-handed lockdowns are drawing to a close. And for most people, life is returning to normal, and we just want to be left alone to enjoy our families. But that doesn’t mean a damn thing to the soulless ghouls in Washington,...
Gun owners have some tough choices to make.

Gun owners have some tough choices to make.

In Missouri, pro-gun lawmakers passed the Second Amendment Preservation Act through the legislature is about to be signed into law by Governor Parsons! In Iowa, Governor Kim Reynolds signed Iowa Gun Owners’ vaunted Constitutional Carry bill into law, joining...
Gun Owners FIGHT BACK!

Gun Owners FIGHT BACK!

I’m not going to sugar coat this for you. You and me have a lot of work to do, and we don’t have a lot of time left to do it. The politicians in Harrisburg are going on ‘summer break’ in a few weeks, but they have done NOTHING to defend our gun rights against...