The Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) has been introduced in Harrisburg by Senator Doug Mastriano! Known as Senate Bill 624, this PFA-backed SAPA legislation will SHUT DOWN Joe Biden’s gun control agenda by requiring Pennsylvania’s peace officers to ONLY...
DEPLATFORMED: Big Tech Shuts PFA Down!

DEPLATFORMED: Big Tech Shuts PFA Down!

The radical left is attacking the Pennsylvania Firearms Association and I need your help to fight back! As many of you noticed, PFA ‘went dark’ some time ago and stopped sending our critical email alerts on the fight for gun rights and I need to tell you why. You see,...
Coronavirus Shows Need for Constitutional Carry!

Coronavirus Shows Need for Constitutional Carry!

The events of the last two months have changed the way gun owners in Pennsylvania — and across the country — look at their right to keep and bear arms. It’s clear to everyone now that our gun rights aren’t some trite political talking point or a historical...


Backstabbing ‘Republican’ Representative Chris Quinn just introduced HB1235, Michael Bloomberg’s Universal Gun Registration bill! Undoubtedly commissioned by his overlords -– Governor Tom Wolf and Michael Bloomberg –- Quinn’s bill reads like a...
Pelosi’s Ammo Ban Would CRIPPLE Gun Owners!

Pelosi’s Ammo Ban Would CRIPPLE Gun Owners!

If you’ve gone to the store and tried to buy a box of ammo any time in the last 12 months, you know the shelves are bare and inventory is wiped out. And if you’re like most gun owners, you’ve gone online and are refreshing websites and setting up notifications for...
Take Action: Schumer Moving Fast on Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

Take Action: Schumer Moving Fast on Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

“This whole gun fight is going to come down to ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation.’ Moderates in the GOP think they can vote for that without getting burned…and if they pass ‘Red Flags,’ Biden will use that momentum to go for AR-15’s and mags next.” That’s what one...