In case you missed our email from Monday evening, I have some bad news:
Both Red Flag Gun Confiscation (HB1018) and Bloomberg’s Universal Gun Registration (HB714) passed the Pennsylvania House and have now been sent to the Pennsylvania Senate.
The two other “lesser” gun-control bills that were up for votes Monday – mandatory gun lockups and mandatory reporting – were defeated, but these were not the results you and I were working for.
It is worth mentioning that blue-dog Democrat Representative Frank Burns stood like a stone wall against his party and voted with the gun voters of House District 72 against ALL of the gun control bills on the agenda!
But because a handful of backstabbing ‘Republicans’ broke rank on Red Flag Gun Confiscation and Universal Background Checks, this fight now moves to the Senate, and we need to make sure Republican leadership stops these bills dead in their tracks.
And you’re dam*ed right we are going to name the names of the traitorous RINOs.
Here are the fake, degenerate “Republicans” that stuck knives right in the backs of gun voters by joining the Radical Democrats to pass Michael Bloomberg’s Universal Gun Registration Bill (House Bill 714):
>>> KC Tomlinson (HD18) – Bucks County
>>> Rob Mercuri (HD28) – Allegheny County
>>> Valerie Gaydos (HD44) – Allegheny County
>>> Natalie Mihalek (HD40) – Allegheny & Washington Counties
>>> Sheryl Delozier (HD88) – Cumberland County
>>> Joe Hogan (HD142) – Bucks County
>>> Craig Williams (HD160) – Delaware & Chester Counties
>>> Martina White (HD170) – NE Philadelphia County
>>> Kristin Marcell (HD178) – Bucks County
If this bill passes the Pennsylvania Senate and gets signed into law, it will establish the gun owner and firearm registry that Josh Shapiro needs to enact a statewide confiscation law at any point down the road!
And because this bill passed with ‘strong’ bipartisan support, I’m afraid Republican leaders in the Senate may see this as a mandate to pass the bill!
But as bad as Republicans being the Benedict Arnolds to get Bloomberg’s Universal Background Checks over the line in the House is, {{recipient.first_name_or_friend}}, it gets worse.
You see, two RINOs also helped get the Democrats’ Red Flag Gun Confiscation over the finish line, too:
>>> KC Tomlinson (HD18) – Bucks County
>>> Joe Hogan (HD142) – Bucks County
Red Flag Gun Confiscation is one of the most dangerous gun-control bills out there because they allow virtually anyone to be “red-flagged” simply because someone makes the accusation that a gun owner is dangerous.
Once you are red-flagged, your firearms are confiscated without ever being charged, tried or convicted of a crime, without due process, without facing your accuser and with no day in court.
Want your guns back? Think you are actually innocent and were never going to commit a crime?
“Due process” under Red Flag laws mean you are guilty until you are able to prove your innocence, meaning you’ll have to hire a lawyer and start the long, expensive, and drawn-out process of proving that in court.
Oh, and the kicker is that your accuser can use the fact that you purchased a firearm as “evidence” that you should have your guns taken away from you!
Also deserving a dishonorable mention here is Representative Craig Williams, who ran a Democrat-supported amendment early in May that was designed to give KC Tomlinson and Joe Hogan the cover the wanted in order to vote for the bill on the floor Monday.
The harsh truthy: if every single one of these Republicans would have done the jobs gun voters sent them to Harrisburg to do, every single one of these bills would have died on Monday.
So remember the names of Pennsylvania’s new Benedict Arnolds.
The Pennsylvania Firearms Association will NEVER forget, and we will make dang sure that these politicians will answer to every gun voter in their districts at election time.
Here’s the situation now:
Two major gun control bills are now in the Senate. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, but the Radical Left only needs to peel off four – FOUR – in order to hammer these bills into law.
And looking at the composition of the State Senate, that is not out of the realm of possibilities.
The fact is, there are a handful of Senators in “vulnerable districts” that may be tempted to vote with the Radical left, just like some RINOs in the House did.
We are going to do everything in our power to make sure that does not happen.
And after you’ve sent an email to your State Senator, I hope you’ll do just two more things to help us bring the heat in Harrisburg:
- Share our action link with everyone you know and encourage them to do the same.
- Make a contribution to the Pennsylvania Firearms Association to help us make and sponsor ads in targeted Senate districts, getting more and more gun owners involved in this fight all across Western and East-Southeastern Pennsylvania!
With your help, we can shut this down in the Senate!
(We’ll deal with the RINO traitors in the PA House when it is politically advantageous to gun rights, especially at election time!)
For Freedom,
Chris Dorr, Director
Pennsylvania Firearms Association