FIGHT Red Flag Gun Confiscation! ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ legislation would allow liberal judges here in Pennsylvania to order your firearms to be seized before you have been charged, indicted, or convicted of ANYTHING! The complaint can come from an angry...
Tell your Politicians in Harrisburg HELL NO to Universal Gun Registration! Radical gun-grabbers in Harrisburg like radical Senators Vincent Hughes and Steve Santarsiero, and State Rep. Perry Warren are salivating now that Joe Biden is in the White House – and...
Pass Constitutional Carry NOW! Constitutional Carry is already law in 21 states — OVER one-third of the nation — and is on the move in states all over the country! But here in Pennsylvania, legislative moderates like House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff...
Pass SAPA Law for PA! Joe Biden and the radical left are coming after our gun rights with everything they have using a combination of executive actions and the worst gun control bills that have ever been filed in Congress. They are trying to ban, confiscate, and tax...