Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Pennsylvania Firearms Association!
It’s been a heck of a year for gun owners in Pennsylvania and across the country. We held the line against most of Biden’s gun control agenda, and flipped the U.S. House earlier this month.
But with the ‘election’ of John Fetterman to the US Senate, Josh Shapiro as Governor, a Democrat majority in the Pennsylvania House and only a weak, slim Republican majority in the Pennsylvania Senate, we’re gearing up for major defensive battles in the General Assembly for our gun rights.
Looking ahead, however, we like our fighting chances at blocking the Left’s gun-control agenda for Pennsylvania. Why?
Because of you.
Every email blast we are going to fire off, every digital ad we roll out, every gun-grabber that we will hammer in the year ahead, will be because the generous members of the Pennsylvania Firearms Association make it all possible!
You see, what I’m truly thankful for today are the members and supporters of the Pennsylvania Firearms Association — a ferocious group of fearless Americans who I know will answer freedom’s call in a BIG WAY in 2023!
(PFA’s Chris Dorr with his wife, Lydia, and their 8 kids.)
Of course, there’s a lot coming at us from Washington, too.
Joe Biden’s handlers are furious they lost the House, and they’ve made it clear they’re coming after our gun rights with Executive Orders next year — so we need to push hard for SAPA in Harrisburg.
And with Biden sitting on $750,000,000 of our dollars to dole out to states that pass ‘Red Flag’ laws we need to do everything we can to BLOCK ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ laws here in Pennsylvania, too!
Because while we have a slim Republican Majority in the Pennsylvania Senate, we know there are several weak, RINO Republicans that would love to cave and give the gun-grabbers everything they want.
(Remember, all membership renewals of $75 or higher come with a Pennsylvania Firearms Association T-Shirt, and we’ll ship it to you absolutely free!)
For Freedom,
Chris Dorr, Director
Pennsylvania Firearms Association
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving from the Pennsylvania Firearms Association!
Thank you for standing up in defense of our right to keep and bear arms this year.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend spending time with your family and friends during this Thanksgiving season. But please know that the fight for freedom is going to get white hot next year.
>>> Renew your membership in the Pennsylvania Firearms Association for 2023 right away! <<<