Michael Bloomberg may have been laughed off the debate stage during his failed attempt to secure the Democratic nomination, but he will still be front and center during the 2020 election cycle.
That’s because Bloomberg has announced he will be spending at least $60,000,000 during the 2020 election cycle — more than he has ever spent before — as he tries to remove President Trump and flip the U.S. Senate!
His goal is very simple: if he can flip the White House and the Senate, his goal of passing a national gun registry, a national ‘Red Flag’ law, and banning millions of AR-15’s will be in reach!
But he’s not just gunning for the White House.
According to his recent press release, Bloomberg is gunning for the Pennsylvania State Capitol, too!
You see, Bloomberg learned in 2016 and 2018 that putting all of his eggs in one basket (focusing exclusively on the White House and Congress) was a mistake.
More and more, the fight for gun rights is being won — or lost — in State Capitols all across the country.
And in states like Pennsylvania, Bloomberg knows that if he can flip the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in November, two things will happen.
First, every pro-gun bill introduced in the House will be dead on arrival for at least the next two years.
Second, militant hardliners like Representative Todd Stephens and dozens of others will be able to advance their gun control agenda at warp speed!
To be clear, House Democrats only need to flip nine seats to take control of the chamber.
And that’s why I am writing you, to ask you to help Pennsylvania Firearms Association get prepared for the all-out battle that we all know is coming.
But with over 25% of Pennsylvania’s workforce forced out of work due to the Coronavirus and Governor Tom Wolf’s reaction to it, I know that for many people, $50, $25, or even just $10 represents a true sacrifice.
The fact is, I know what Pennsylvania Firearms Association can do at election time.
Having spearheaded the fight for gun rights in several other states, I know that we can run the nastiest and hardest-hitting TV and digital ads of any organization in the state.
Make no mistake about it – the radical left wants to destroy Pennsylvania and destroy America.
If these same leftists flip the Pennsylvania House with Bloomberg’s help, we will be seeing Virginia-style assaults on our gun rights – assaults we haven’t seen before.
Help us get ready!
For Pennsylvania,

Chris Dorr
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Firearms Association
P.S. Michael Bloomberg just announced that he is spending at least sixty MILLION dollars in the elections this fall as he works to disarm Americans…and he is specifically targeting Pennsylvania!
Bloomberg has had his eyes set on Pennsylvania for a long time, and if he’s able to flip just nine seats in Harrisburg, radical gun-grabbers will take control of the Pennsylvania House!
Thank you, in advance, for standing up for freedom here in Pennsylvania!